Wales' Hottest February

You know what this means...
In recent years, Wales has immersed itself as an iconic nation with deep cultural routes, ridiculous amounts of castles. astonishing sights and unbelievable sporting moments. How can we forget the amazing performance of the Euro’s and our consistent Six Nations Rugby performances? Especially the latest comeback to win against the English on Saturday… sorry (not sorry).

But above all this, Wales is famous for its windy roads, endless greenery and picturesque scenery. Having just finished a 5-day road trip around Wales, Nathan managed to capture some stunning shots (scroll down for some highlights) of the highs and lows of Wales whilst enjoying the stunning February weather.

According to the latest weather reports, Wales had a record high of 19°C in almost 30 years Sunday just passed and we all know what this means… convertible season!! A complete contrast to twelve months ago when we had days of snow and freezing temperatures. So, it is time to drop the top and let the warm breeze through your hair.

Wales' Hottest February

You know what this means...
In recent years, Wales has immersed itself as an iconic nation with deep cultural routes, ridiculous amounts of castles. astonishing sights and unbelievable sporting moments. How can we forget the amazing performance of the Euro’s and our consistent Six Nations Rugby performances? Especially the latest comeback to win against the English on Saturday… sorry (not sorry).

But above all this, Wales is famous for its windy roads, endless greenery and picturesque scenery. Having just finished a 5-day road trip around Wales, Nathan managed to capture some stunning shots (scroll down for some highlights) of the highs and lows of Wales whilst enjoying the stunning February weather.

According to the latest weather reports, Wales had a record high of 19°C in almost 30 years Sunday just passed and we all know what this means… convertible season!! A complete contrast to twelve months ago when we had days of snow and freezing temperatures. So, it is time to drop the top and let the warm breeze through your hair.